This community of practice (CoP) focuses on supporting primary care clinicians to integrate primary palliative care in their practices. This program is geared towards any primary health care provider such as physicians, nurses or allied health professionals. Sessions within this COP cover topics such as managing complex pain and symptom management, building on essential communication skills, supporting patients being cared for in the home, access resources in the community and providing bereavement care in the context of complex grief.

Symptom Management
Previous Sessions
Find recordings and slides from our past sessions here.
Managing Complex Pain
Managing the Last Hours of Life in the Home
Beyond the Essential Communications Skills – Part 1
Beyond the Essential Communications Skills – Part 2
Beyond the Essential Communications Skills – Part 3
Grief and Bereavement and the Identification and Management of Complex Grief
Teamwork in Primary Palliative Care
Grief in Children
Community Palliative Resources
Organizing Practices to Provide Primary Palliative Care

Looking for core fundamental training on the palliative care approach?
The Palliative Care ECHO Project does not replace core fundamental training on the palliative care approach. Pallium Canada offers an online course for all health care professionals that teaches the essential practical knowledge, attitudes, and skills to provide a palliative care approach. Learn more about LEAP Core.