Canadian Home Care Association
The Canadian Interdisciplinary Palliative Care Competency Framework establishes a minimum national standard for palliative care in Canada and provides a guideline for core competencies for nurses, personal support workers, social workers, doctors, and volunteers. For home-based palliative care providers, the Canadian Interdisciplinary Palliative Care Competency Framework offers a foundation for continuous education, skill-building, and practical application.
Essential Skills is the theme for the 2023-24 Home-Based Palliative Care ECHO sessions. The learning sessions and resources will address the priority competency domains in the Framework and share knowledge, experience, and expertise in specific palliative care domains.
Please join the Canadian Home Care Association in this three part series as they cover core competencies to providing high quality home-based palliative care through the following topics:
- Cultural safety and humility: Creating Safe Spaces for People with Life-Limiting Illness – session was held on April 27, 2023
- Self-care: Caring for Yourself when you Care for Others – session was held on May 10, 2023
- Communication: Engaging with Families in Conversations about Serious Illness – session was held on June 14, 2023
- A Framework to Support Palliative Care – session was help November 1.
- Lessons and Opportunities for Virtual Care in Post-Pandemic Palliative Home Care – session was held November 14, 2023.