Pediatric Palliative Care Community of Practice (in French)

Come be part of the Pediatric Palliative Care Community of Practice, in collaboration with Le Phare, Enfants et Familles! This community of practice will allow you to network and learn from experts across French-speaking Canada who share your interest in the integrated approach to pediatric palliative care.

This COP is ideal for health care professionals in pediatric palliative care working in an interdisciplinary approach: physicians, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, spiritual care providers, and other professionals with a particular interest in pediatric palliative care.

Members of this COP will have the opportunity to gather every two months with a panel of experts in the field to participate in case discussions and explore current topics in pediatric palliative care such as symptom management, pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches to pain, and psychosocial and spiritual support, among others.

This Group Learning Activity is accredited through the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada for a maximum of 6 hours.

Previous Sessions

Find recordings and slides from our past sessions here.

Trajectory of children in Peadiatric Palliative Care: an interprofessional perspective (en français)

Grief follow-up; guidelines for support practices for grieving parents and siblings (en français)

Pediatric end-of-life care (en français)

Personnes ressources :

Ressources additionnelles :

*Sur le deuil parental et le deuil de la fratrie :

  • Centre d’éducation du Phare, module « Le deuil chez les parents » et « Le deuil chez l’enfant et l’adolescent »

*Sur le deuil :

  • Site « Mon Deuil » et « Deuil des Enfants du Portail palliatif Canadien

*Pour guider l’entourage à accompagner des parents endeuillés :

  • Site Internet « Dans ces moments-là ». Créer à la base pour le deuil périnatal, mais est aussi pertinent pour le deuil d’un enfant, peu importe l’âge
  • Site Internet du CHU Sainte-Justine, section deuil périnatal, aider les parents endeuillés

Prise de décision éthique à l’adolescence ; quand les souhaits de l’adolescent et de son parent divergent

Communication (conversations essentiels) en soins palliatifs pédiatrique