Plateforme Répit-Aidant (in French)

February 11, 2025, at 11:45 a.m. ET.

Join the Institut de soins palliatifs et de fin de vie Michel-Sarrazin – Université Laval on February 11, 2025, for a session on Respite and Caregiver Support, presented by Mr. Denis Chênevert, Full Professor and Director of the Health Pole at HEC Montréal. This insightful discussion will provide an update on the state of caregiving in Quebec and introduce an innovative tool: the Répit-Aidant platform, which offers atypical respite care between caregivers and companions in a safe environment ( 


  • Denis Chênevert, Ph.D, CRHA
    Professeur titulaire, HEC Montréal
    Chercheur associé au CHUM

  • M. Stéphane Lauzon
    Technicien en administration
    Spécialiste technique Entraidant et responsable implantation Répit-Aidant