Past National ECHO Sessions
Find the recordings, Q&As, and PowerPoint presentations of our past sessions here.

Featured Past Sessions
Past Sessions
The Platinum Rule: All that Glitters Isn’t Gold
Learn about the Platinum Rule—doing unto patients as they would want done unto themselves.
7 Keys to Delivering Palliative Care Upstream: What We Learned From 1,000 Patients and Families
7 keys to enable an early approach to palliative care.
Quality Improvement Collaborative: Identify Patients with Palliative Care Needs
This ECHO series is designed to help coach family health practices.
Personal Support Worker Series 1- Session One
The Role of Personal Support Workers in Palliative Care.
Taking Vitals: The SCQ—The Evidence, Development, and Clinical Necessity of a Measure to Routinely Assess Patients Experiences of Compassion
This session discusses the importance of compassion in quality palliative care.
Personal Support Worker Series 1- Session Two
LEAP Personal Support Worker – Question and Answer Session.
Long-Term Care Community of Practice – Series 1
This community of practice is for health care professionals, administrators, and system leaders working in long-term care.
Personal Support Worker Series 1 – Session Three
Personal Support Workers and Challenging Conversations.
Information Session – The CAPACITI program
This session provides an introduction to CAPACITI, a free education program for interprofessional primary care teams.
World Hospice and Palliative Care Day Special Lecture
This lecture is honours international leaders in the field of hospice palliative care.
A Culture of Compassion in Canadian Workplaces
A positive workplace culture is critical both for the success of the organization and the well-being of employees.
Fin de vie de maladies neurologiques dégénératives (in French)
This session focuses on end of life of degenerative neurological diseases.
Personal Support Worker Community of Practice – Series 2
Access content on end-of-life delirium, culturally relevant care, pain and shortness of breath, and more.
Heart Disease Community of Practice – Series 1
This is an exciting opportunity for interprofessional, palliative care clinicians with an interest in heart disease.
Community-Based Primary Palliative Care Community of Practice – Series 1
This community of practice (CoP) focuses on supporting primary care clinicians to integrate primary palliative care in their practices.
Practical Cannabis for Patients with Palliative Needs
This session provides a practical overview of the potential benefits and harms of using cannabis.
Pour une approche palliative intégrée: Optimiser la communication entre les intervenants de première ligne et les équipes hospitalières (in French)
This session focuses on how to identify patients who may benefit from palliative care
Enabling Canadians to Support Caregivers by Strengthening Care Connections
Did you know 8.1 million Canadians are currently providing care to someone they care about? Caregivers provide about 80% of the care a patient receives in the last year of
The Sustainability Guide – Helping Compassionate Community Initiatives Achieve Impact
The Compassionate Communities Sustainability Guide
Essential Conversations – Creating a Better Illness Experience for Patients and Families in the Home
This session provides home care workers with insights, knowledge and practical tools.
La gestion des cas complexes au centres d’hébergement de soins de longue durée (CHSLD) (in French)
This interactive ECHO session focuses on the management of complex palliative care cases in the long-term care setting.