Hub Partner ECHO Sessions
Hub Partner ECHO programs are free for all health care professionals to participate in.
Upcoming Sessions
Grief and Bereavement Literacy ECHO Series
BC Centre for Palliative Care
Family Caregiver Interactive Information Series
Montreal Institute for Palliative Care
Psychosocial Spiritual Alberta Community of Practice
Covenant Health Palliative Institute
Building Bridges Behind Bars
The North Simcoe Muskoka Hospice Palliative Care Network
Plateforme Répit-Aidant (in French)
Institut de soins palliatifs et de fin de vie Michel-Sarrazin – Laval University
Past Sessions
Integrating Family Caregivers into Healthcare Teams and Practice: The What and Why
Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association
Integrating Family Caregivers into Healthcare Teams and Practice: Navigating the Where and How
Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association
Good things come in small packages: the promise of extracellular vesicles in longevity research
Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association
Journeying Toward End of Life: Meaning of Food and Fluids
North West Regional Palliative Care Program
Incorporating a Palliative Approach into your Primary Care Practice
North West Regional Palliative Care Program
Managing Pediatric Palliative Care in Northern Ontario
North West Regional Palliative Care Program
Croquettes Scientifiques – séance deux
Institut de soins palliatifs et de fin de vie Michel-Sarrazin – Université Laval
Croquettes scientifiques – séance trois
Institut de soins palliatifs et de fin de vie Michel-Sarrazin – Université Laval
Transition from pediatric to adult palliative care (in French)
Institut de soins palliatifs et de fin de vie Michel-Sarrazin – Laval University
Geriatric hip fracture and TNC: a palliative approach (in French)
Institut de soins palliatifs et de fin de vie Michel-Sarrazin – Laval University